Client tell;

“I really want to thank you for the session today.
It opened up a lot of things for me. I discovered a lot about myself and discovered that I have a lot more to learn about myself. It is a journey that I am so excited to go on. It’s almost like having a new vigour, feeling regenerated, to go on this incredibly amazing journey.
I was able to get in touch with where my limiting beliefs stemmed from and work through it. 
Thank you so much. It was truly an incredible session. And I love the way how during each of our sessions I have felt the presence of God, the Universe, or a higher power that is letting us know that we are on the right path.”

Call Your Clair Power

You already know right. You can feel you have it inside you. A burning desire to mentor others, but you don't know how to get it out there. Your power has always been inside you, and now is the time to get it out. Lets get clear on what you want - crush what holds you back - and claim your dream life in to reality! As a business mentor who have walked her own way - a spiritual woman in private - and a educated coach - I have this unique opportunity for you.

You don't see the results you dream of in your business?

Be the Biz Queen who stands in her true power

Get on track with your goals, and make your dreams come true

You know this. 


You compare yourself to everybody else, and think to yourself, everything is already taken. 


Who am I to mentor the things I know… 


If only I was as succesfull as all the others mentors out there.  


Im never gonna be as confident as all the other coaches…


You know how I know?

All that fear have been me… 

And you know what’s even better?

If I can do it, you can do it.


And I will love to show you how!


The mentor part will walk along by your side and support you all the way. 

The clairvoyant part will learn you how to use the universel power.

And the coach part will find your true superpower and activate it. 


Efter at være gået ned med stress i min tidligere business, fandt jeg ud af at der ingen hjælp var at hente for selvstændige. Jeg er gået igennem forskellige processer, som har taget tid og penge. Men endelig fandt jeg et utroligt værktøj til at forbedre mit liv. Det var det sidste der skulle til.


Jeg startede med at implementere spirituelle værktøjer, som fx. månens energi, som har hjulpet mig med at leve uden stress og tjene stressfrie penge. 


Jeg ønsker at hjælpe dig med at opdage DIN måde at arbejde på, så du kan få mere energi, stå stærkt i dig selv og leve et stressfrit liv.

Når du implementerer det feminine arbejdsflow

Går du fra:

Til at:

Ready to catch your dreams?

Call Your Clair Power

– live your dream life in your dream business – 


16 ugers 1:1 clair forløb

Vi snakker sammen 1 gang om ugen.

På den måde holder du snuden i sporet, efter den køreplan vi har sat. Vi justerer og tilpasser til de situationer du står i. 

På 16 uger vil du være flyvende! Klar i spyttet og allerede i fuld gang med dit drømmeliv, som du alt for længe har gået og skubbet foran dig. 

Du får;

My dreams shall match my reality now

Tid til at tage steppe op i din Business?

Fra Ansat til Leder af eget liv

Føler du dig mere som en “Knokle Kvinde” end den “Biz Queen” som du drømmer om at være? 

Lad mig fortælle dig noget positivt; 

“If you can dream it, you can do it” 

Vil du høre noget endnu bedre?

Jeg kan vise dig vejen til den Biz Queen jeg ved du allerede er!

Ønsker du at vide mere?
Lad os starte med en afklarende samtale;